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13 Lambourne Crescent Cardiff, CF14 5GF
02920 367 960

Get your contractors uploading invoices…

No need for them to drop into the office

Contractor App

Your contractors and property managers are busy enough, lets simplify the process of receiving and invoicing maintenance jobs.

The Contractor App means your contractors can receive job requests, submit their invoices on the road without the need to come into the office! This also means its easier for property managers to pay invoices and for contractors to submit them in the first place. All the information goes back into agentOS.

And it free with agentOS.

All in one app

Each contractor gets their own login so they can see their maintenance jobs and they can submit their invoices all on their phone or tablet while its fresh in their minds!

Contractors can:

  • Get the requests.
  • Upload invoices.
  • Check if they have been paid.

All in one app!

Property Managers

Everything that is logged in the Contractor App goes directly into agentOS, freeing up Property Managers time from chasing invoices.

Once you link up a maintenance job on agentOS it is instantly in that contractors app.

Every morning you can see if they have invoiced for the job.  Once the invoice is approved in agentOS, it closes the job, applies the deductions and attaches the invoice to the landlord statement.


New Client? Book an Online Demo

agentOS Customer? Book a demo of the app

agentOS customer? Login and start using now!